Book analyst submissions (Kindle only).

Here's how it works: people tell you your book is brilliant, your cover, title and blurb are amazing but no one is buying. I will look at your book cover, title, blurb and the 'look inside' feature on Amazon (or SW, Goodreads etc) and tell you why it isn't selling in a book analyst of the sample. 

Not only that, if I like your book I will buy it and review it fully on the purchase site i.e. Amazon. 

Plus, if I star it with a 4 or 5 I will SHOWCASE the book on WWBB, and using Triberr, it has the potential of reaching to over 135,000 people.

If your book is so-well received it could be rewarded with a NFA title (new favourite author). This book I will praise on the Amazon and Goodreads forums as well as showcasing it on my blog as normal.

Please pay using the PayPal icon in the sidebar.

  • I will read most Kindle books.
  • I do not want to read poetry, *non-fiction, misery lit, biographies film scripts or porn.
  • I only want to read books in as a Kindle download.
  • Reviews may contain spoilers.
  • If I DON'T feel I can review your book I'll tell you why in the analyst of the book sample and rate the book on the amount read. (This review will ONLY be posted here and on Goodreads unless you want it on Amazon).
  • Books are a personal taste. If I don't review/purchase your book this doesn't always mean it's bad, it just means it wasn't for me and because of this reason I won't star it but I will showcase the book on WWBB and Facebook.
  • If I do commit to purchasing your book I will read it and submit an honest review to Amazon (also Goodreads and Facebook) and to this blog.
  • All books featured here will be added to the Book Junkies library.
  • WILL get to your book eventually, but my TBR list is extremely long so please be patient.

Note: A book analyst will be posted here only. 
A review will be posted on Amazon as well as to this blog.

If you have read all of the above and would like to purchase a book analyst/review, please pay via the Paypal link on the right-hand sidebar then contact me via the contact button top left of the screen with a link to your book (where I can download a sample). 
Please put "review" in the subject heading and I will contact you as soon as possible.

* I will sample a select few of non-fiction if the subject matter is relevant to me.